Wilverley Inclosure

Toilets on route   Seats on route   Wheelchair accessible   Pushchair accessible

Distance: 2.8 miles (4.5 km)
Ascent: 50 metres
Grade: 13 ()
Allow: 1h to 1h 45m
Start: Wilverley Plain or Wilverley Inclosure car parks

Wilverley Inclosure

Set in the heart of the New Forest between Burley and Brockenhurst this walk provides a straightforward route, on good tracks, through an enclosed woodland. There are views across heathland from the car park, but the route soon heads deep…

See MoreWilverley Inclosure

Gardens and Parks

Toilets on route   Seats on route   Food and drink on route   Pushchair accessible

Distance: 3.1 miles (5 km)
Ascent: 19 metres
Grade: 11 ()
Allow: 1h to 1h 45m
Start: YHA Cambridge

YHA Festival of Walking
A short walk for many, but with botanic gardens, a children’s play park and pool, punting and excellent pubs on offer, it could be a whole a day out.
See MoreGardens and Parks


Toilets on route   Seats on route   Wheelchair accessible   Pushchair accessible

Distance: 0.4 miles (0.6 km)
Ascent: 14 metres
Grade: 7 ()
Allow: 15m to 30m
Start: YHA Snowdon Ranger

YHA Festival of Walking
A short and fully accessible lakeside route in a small self-contained wooded area opposite the hostel.
See MoreCwellyn
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