Distance: 13.6 miles (21.9 km)
Ascent: 876 metres
Grade: 65 (
Allow: 7h 15m to 11h 30m
Start: YHA Castleton Losehill Hall
Region: East Midlands

A demanding walk with breath-taking views.
See MoreWoodlands Valley and Vale of Edale
Distance: 16.9 miles (27.2 km)
Ascent: 856 metres
Grade: 81 (
Allow: 8h 45m to 14h
Start: YHA Edale
Region: East Midlands

A classic circumnavigation of this high Peak
District plateau.
See MoreKinder Scout Plateau
Distance: 6.3 miles (10.1 km)
Ascent: 444 metres
Grade: 53 (
Allow: 3h 30m to 5h 30m
Start: YHA Edale
Region: East Midlands

A walk along the southern edges of Kinder Scout with expansive views of the Peak District, returning to the hostel via Edale village.
See MoreKinder Southern Edges
Distance: 5.7 miles (9.2 km)
Ascent: 248 metres
Grade: 38 (
Allow: 2h 45m to 4h 15m
Start: YHA Edale
Region: East Midlands

An enjoyable low-level walk through the upper Edale Valley.
See MoreEdale and Barber Booth